Eulogica Resource
Human resources are often said to be the most important asset for a business – but for a funeral company, cars get perhaps even more attention! Many Funeral Directors also have rooms available for viewings or other purposes, or various equipment for use at funerals, and need to carefully manage their use.
With Eulogica Resource, it is easy to keep track of limited resources and assign them to funerals. What hearse to use? Who will be driving? Who exactly will be carrying the coffin? As long as the available resources are listed in Eulogica, they can be assigned to funerals. Live resource diary views are available to display how busy various resources are, and the system can give warnings in case of double bookings.
A variety of reports can be provided to help with planning or to analyse resource utilisation. Staff members can get daily or weekly reports or charts indicating their scheduled work. Reports can also be generated for a funeral, a day, a week, or a month – or for a branch office, area or region – for a person, vehicle, room, or other equipment – or any combination of these.
Eulogica Client Support Manager Nick Stokes recently visited Southall Funeral Service to add Eulogica Resource to their existing Eulogica software installation. Nick says, “Michael and the team at Southall have been using Eulogica for many years and would now like their conductors’ sheets to show the names of all the drivers and bearers, plus the vehicles, who will be going out on the funeral. Using Eulogica Resource they can select the necessary staff and vehicles on each funeral, and these can be carried forward to worksheets, diary reports and more!”
Southall Funeral Service’s Michael Tiney adds, “we have printed conductor and driver sheets from Eulogica for a long time, but by using Eulogica Resource we can specifically assign staff and vehicles to a funeral and give the team full oversight of who and which vehicles are required, minimising the number of different places people need to check to find out what is happening.”
Eulogica’s Nick is pictured on his recent visit with Southall Funeral Service’s Ben.